What Did You Say Chef? Culinary Terms You Need To Know!

25 Facts about Dating a Chef!!

Most Chefs will already know most of these but to all you Microwave Technicians and Foodies, here is a quick run down of culinary terms you may need to know!


Acid – A substance having a sour or sharp flavour. Most foods are somewhat acidic. Foods generally referred to as “acids” include citrus juice, vinegar and wine. A substance’s degree of acidity is measured on the pH scale; acids have a pH of less than 7.

Albumen – The major protein in egg whites.

Alkalai – A substance that tests at higher than 7 on the pH scale. Alkalis are sometimes described as having a slightly soapy flavor. Olives and baking soda are some of the few alkaline foods.

Allumette – Potatoes, cut into pieces the size and shape of matchsticks: 1/8 inch x 1/8 inch x 1 to 2 inches.

Alum – The astringent effect of this chemical makes it useful in home pickling to give crispness to cucumbers, melon rinds, onions, green beans and other foods.

Amino Acid – The basic molecular component of proteins and one of the essential dietary components.

Bain Marie – Simply, a water bath. It consists of placing a container of food in a large, shallow pan of warm water, which surrounds the food with gentle heat. The food can be cooked in this manner, either in an oven or on top of a range. This technique is designed to cook delicate dishes, such as custards, sauces and savoury mousses, without breaking or curdling them. It can also be used to keep foods warm.

Bake Blind – To partially or completely bake an unfilled pastry crust.

Barding – The practice of wrapping lean cuts of meat to be cooked with thin slices of back fat. The alternative to this is larding, in which long strips of fat are inserted into the cut of meat to keep it moist during cooking.

Baste – To brush or spoon food as it cooks with melted fat or the cooking juices from the dish. Basting prevents foods from drying out and adds colour and flavour.

Baton / Batonnet – Items cut into pieces somewhat larger than allumette or julienne; 1/4 inch x 1/4 inch x 2 to 2 1/2 inches is the standard. Translated to English as “stick” or “small stick.”

Batter – A mixture of flour and liquid, sometimes with the inclusion of other ingredients. Batters will vary in thickness, but are generally semi-liquid and thinner than a dough. Used in such preparations as cakes, quick breads, pancakes and crepes.

Bench Proof – Used in yeast dough production. It is the rising stage that occurs after the dough is formed and moulded, just before baking.

Binder – An ingredient, or apparel, used to thicken a sauce or hold together another mixture of ingredients.

Blanch – Moist heat technique of cooking foods in boiling water for a brief period of time. This applies primarily to vegetables so as to reduce their final cooking time, but blanching may also be done to fish or meat.

Blend – To amalgamate ingredients of different textures to a smooth texture by mixing them with spoon, beater or liquidizer.

Blind Bake – A term used in pastry in which the item is baked before being filled with a sweet or savoury mixture.

Bloom – To soften and rehydrate gelatin in warm liquid before use.

Boning Knife – A thin-bladed knife used for separating raw meat from the bone; its blade is usually about 6 inches long.

Braise – A moist cooking method in which the main item, usually meat, is seared in fat, then simmered in stock or another liquid in a covered vessel.

Brazier/Brasier – A pan, designed specifically for braising, that usually has two handles and a tight fitting lid. The pan often is round, but may be square or rectangular.

Breading Procedure – The standard procedure for coating raw or cooked foods with breadcrumbs, nuts or a meal such as cornmeal. The item is first dipped in a seasoned flour and then passed through an egg wash, followed by the crumbing of choice. The principle of this technique gives foods, which are to be baked, deep fried or pan fried, a coating that adds not only flavour and texture, but will protect the item from losing some moisture during the cooking process

Brigade System – The kitchen organization system instituted by Auguste Escoffier. Each position has an assigned station and well-defined tasks and responsibilities.

Brine – A solution of salt, water and seasonings used to preserve foods.

Broil – A dry-heat cooking method in which items are cooked by a radiant heat source placed above the food. Brown – A procedure involving the searing of the outer services of an item, such as meat, so as to create a Mailard Protein Reaction inhibiting the juice flow somewhat.

Brunoise – A very fine dice usually applied to vegetables: 1/8 inch x 1/8 inch square.

Butcher – A chef, or purveyor, who is responsible for butchering meats, poultry and occasionally fish. In the brigade system, the butcher may also be responsible for breading meat and fish items and other mise en place operations involving meat.

Butterfly – To split food (meat, fish, fowl) down the centre, cutting almost — but not completely — through. The two halves are then opened flat to resemble a butterfly.

Caramelize – To heat sugar until it liquefies and becomes clear caramel syrup, ranging in colour from golden to dark brown. Fruits and vegetables with natural sugars can be caramelized by sautéing, roasting or grilling, thereby giving them a sweeter flavour and golden glaze.

Channel – (Canelle) To create small V-shaped grooves over the surface of fruits or vegetables for decorative purposes with a canelle knife. The fruit or vegetable is then sliced, creating a decorative border on the slices.

Clarify – To remove sediment from a cloudy liquid, thereby making it clear. To clarify liquids, such as stock, egg whites and/or eggshells are commonly added and simmered for approximately 15 minutes. The egg whites attract and trap particles from the liquid. After cooling, strain the mixture through a cloth-lined sieve to remove residue. To clarify rendered fat, add a little hot water, which is then evaporated over high heat for about 15 minutes. Next, the mixture should be strained through several layers of dry cheesecloth and chilled. The resulting layer of fat should be completely clear of residue. Clarified butter is butter that has been heated slowly, so that its milk solids separate and sink and can be discarded. The resulting clear liquid can be used at a higher cooking temperature and will not go rancid as quickly as unclarified butter.

Concassé – The term for chopping a vegetable coarsely. This is used most often when referring to chopped tomatoes.

Cure – To treat food by one of several methods for preservation purposes. Examples are smoking, pickling (in an acid base), corning (with acid and salt) and salt curing, which removes water.

Deep-Fry – A dry alternative cooking technique that cooks food in hot fat or oil deep enough so that it is completely covered. The cleanliness and temperature of the fat are extremely important. When the fat is not hot enough, the food absorbs fat and becomes greasy. When the fat is too hot, the food burns on the exterior before it has cooked through. Fat at the correct temperature will create a golden crisp, dry exterior and moist interior. An average fat temperature for deep-frying is 375ºF (175 C), but the temperature varies according to the food needing to be fried. Use a deep-fryer, an electric fry pan or a heavy pot and a thermometer for deep-frying.

Deglaze – The process of removing browned small particles of food from the bottom of a pan after sautéing (usually meat). The technique requires the removal of the excess fat 9 from the pan. A small amount of liquid, usually an acid-based item such as wine, is added to the pan and then heated with the remaining juices; it is then stirred to remove browned particles of food from the bottom. The resulting mixture is reduced to concentrate the flavours and becomes the basis for a sauce.

Devein – To remove the blackish-grey vein from the back of a shrimp. The vein can be removed with a special utensil called a deveiner or with the tip of a sharp knife. Small and medium shrimp are deveined purely for aesthetic purposes. However, because the veins in large shrimp contain grit, they should always be removed.

Dice – To cut food into tiny cubes: between 1/8-inch to 1/4-inch square.

Dijonnaise – The name given to dishes that contain mustard or are served with a sauce that contains mustard.

Dredge – An action that lightly coats food, which is going to be pan fried or sautéed, with a fine film of flour or cornstarch. The coating helps to brown the food and provides a crisp surface. Foods must be cooked immediately to avoid the coating becoming soggy. Foods that require a final coating will be dredged in flour first, then egg wash and finally in the final coating of breadcrumbs, cornmeal, cereal flakes, etc. All foods prepared in this manner must not be held for any length of time before the cooking process.

Emincer – To cut fruit into thin slices, shorter than for julienne. This term is most often used when referring to meats, but it also applies to fruits and vegetables.

Emulsify – To bind together two liquid ingredients that normally do not combine smoothly, such as water and fat. Slowly add one ingredient to the other while mixing rapidly. This action disperses tiny droplets (colloids) of one liquid in the other. Mayonnaise and vinaigrettes are emulsions. Three styles of emulsion are possible: unstable or temporary; semi-stable, and stable.

Essence/Extract – While the words may be used interchangeably, all essences are extracts, but extracts are not all essences. A stock is a water extract of food. Other solvents (edible) may be oil or ethyl alcohol, as in wine, whiskey or water. Wine and beer are vegetable or fruit stocks. A common oil extract is of cayenne pepper, used in Asian cooking (yulanda). Oils and water essences are becoming popular as sauce substitutes. A common water essence is vegetable stock. A broth is more concentrated, as in beef broth or bouillon. Beef tea is shin beef cubes and water sealed in a jar and cooked in a water bath for 12 to 24 hours. Most common are alcohol extracts, like vanilla. It is not possible to have a water extract of vanilla (natural bean), but vanillin (a chemical synthetic) is water-soluble. Oils, such as orange or lemon rind (zest) oil, may be extracted by storing in sugar in sealed containers. Distilled oils are not extracts or essences. Attar of rose (for perfume) is lard extracted rose petal oil.

Fillet – To create a fillet of fish or meat by cutting away the bones. Fish and boning knives help produce clean fillets.

Fold – To combine a light mixture, like beaten egg whites, with a much heavier mixture, like whipped cream. In a large bowl, place the lighter mixture on top of the heavier one. Starting at the back of the bowl, using the edge of a rubber spatula, cut down through the middle of both mixtures, across the bottom of the bowl and up the near side. Rotate the bowl a quarter turn and repeat. This process gently combines the two mixtures.

Fritter – Food that has been dipped in batter and deep-fried or sautéed. These may consist of vegetables, meat, fish, shellfish or fruit. The food may be dipped in or mixed with the batter and dropped into the hot fat to form little balls. Japanese tempura fried foods are a type of fritter, though this term is not applied to it.

Grill – In the United Kingdom, the same as a “broiler” in Canada; in Canada a grill is a device for cooking food over a charcoal or gas fire outdoors.

Grind – To reduce food to small pieces by running it through a grinder. Food can be ground to different degrees, from fine to coarse.

Infuse – To steep an aromatic ingredient in hot liquid until the flavour has been extracted and absorbed by the liquid. Teas are infusions. Milk or cream can also be infused with flavour before being used in custards or sauces. Infusion – An infusion is the flavour that has been extracted from any ingredient, such as tea leaves, herbs or fruit, by steeping them in a liquid, such as water, oil or vinegar.

Fondue – There are several different types of fondue, the most notable of which is cheese. Fondue is a Swiss communal dish shared at the table in an earthenware pot over a small burner.


chef culinary terms

Fry – To cook food (non-submerged) in hot fat or oil over moderate to high heat. There is very little difference between frying and sautéing, although sautéing is often thought of as being faster and using less fat.

Joint – To cut meat and poultry into large pieces at the joints using a very sharp knife.

Julienne – Foods that are cut in long thin strips. The term is usually associated with vegetables, but may be applied to cooked meat or fish.

Kebab – Also spelled kabob, these are skewers of meat, fish or vegetables grilled over a fire. All countries serve some version of this dish.

Knead – To mix and work dough into a smooth elastic mass. Kneading can be done either manually or by machine. By hand, kneading is done with a pressing-foldingturning action. First, the dough is pressed with the heels of both hands and pushed away from the body so the dough stretches out. The dough is then folded in half, given a quarter turn, and the process is repeated. Depending on the dough, the kneading time can range anywhere from five to 15 minutes. During kneading, the gluten strands stretch and expand, enabling dough to hold in gas bubbles formed by a leavener, which allows it to rise.

Larding – A technique by which thin strips of back fat or vegetables are inserted into a piece of meat. These strips help the meat to remain juicy during cooking. Larding with 12 vegetables gives the meat a contrast of colour plus the addition of flavour. This practice is not used as often now because of the higher quality of meat available.

Liaison – The process of thickening a sauce, soup or stew. This includes all roux (starch and water mixtures slurries, beurre maniere‚ Panada, and egg yolks, with or without cream). Egg yolks must be tempered with hot liquid before adding to the liquid to prevent curdling.

Macerate – Soaking fruit or vegetables in wine, liquor or syrup so that they may absorb these flavours. Salt and sugar macerations are used to draw excess moisture out of the food for a secondary preparation. This is done for canning, jam and preserve making, and to remove bitter flavours from vegetables.

Marinate -To soak food in a seasoned liquid mixture for a certain length of time. The purpose of marinating is to add flavour and/or tenderize the food. Due to the acidic ingredients in many marinades, foods should be marinated in glass, ceramic or stainless steel containers. Foods should also be covered and refrigerated while they are marinating. When fruits are soaked in this same manner, the process is called macerating.

Mince – To cut food into very tiny pieces. Minced food is cut into smaller, finer pieces than diced food.

Mise en Place – A term used in professional kitchens to describe the proper planning procedure for a specific station.

Mousse – Sweet or savoury dishes made of ingredients that are blended and folded together. These mixtures may be hot or cold, and generally contain whipped egg whites to lighten them. Cream is also used to lighten these dishes, though when used in large quantities, these preparations are called mousselines.

Mousseline – A fine puree of raw forcemeat that has been formed into an emulsion and has the addition of cream. The product is then cooked and nominally served hot. The  term can also describe a hollandaise sauce, which has lightly whipped cream folded into it.

Napé – To completely coat food with a light and thin even layer of sauce.

Nicoise – Foods cooked in the style of Nice, France. These dishes may include garlic, Nicoise olives, anchovies, tomatoes and green beans. Salad Nicoise is the most famous of all these dishes, consisting of potatoes, olives, green beans and vinaigrette dressing.

Parboil – To boil food briefly in water, cooking it only partially. Parboiling is used for dense food like carrots and potatoes. After being parboiled, these foods can be added at the last minute to quicker-cooking ingredients. Parboiling ensures that all ingredients will finish cooking at the same time. Since foods will continue to cook once they have been removed from the boiling water, they should be shocked in ice water briefly to preserve colour and texture. Cooking can then be completed by sautéing, or the parboiled vegetable can be added to simmering soups or stews.

Pare – To remove the thin outer layer of foods by using a paring knife or a vegetable peeler.

Poach – To cook food by gently simmering in liquid at 160º to 170º Fahrenheit. Deep poach is where the item to be cooked in this manner is submerged. Shallow poach is where the item to be cooked is placed in a flavourful cold liquid that only comes part way to the top of the item. The pan is covered with a paper cartouche and the item is cooked to doneness. The residue liquid (cuisson) is strained and used as the foundation (fond) for the sauce.

Puree – To grind or mash food until completely smooth. This can be done using a food processor or blender, or by pressing the food through a sieve. thechefscircle

25 Facts about Dating a Chef!!